Jolanda Boekhout

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Jolanda Boekhout, a Dutch animal photographer, iPhoneographer & Polaroid photographer, fell in love with animals when she was a little girl. Ever since that moment she has had a special connection with animals. How lucky she feels to be able to make her passion her work.

Jolanda became addicted to iPhoneography in 2010. Her iPhone has travelled around the world with her ever since. She fell in love with travel iPhoneography after a trip to Lefkas, Greece. Besides photographing animals with her good old Nikon, Jolanda relies on her iPhone for photographing her daily life. This year she's committed to shooting the adventures of her three cats.

Over the past years, Jolanda and her partner Eric lovingly restored their old home, photographing every step of the way; now that the project is complete, she's ready to take the huge step to move to the countryside and start a country life.




“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”


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Who are you?

I’m a lover of animals, always and everywhere. I’m partner to Eric and best friend of my cats Tara, Blackie & Piet. I’m a gardener. My ‘bad’ habit is that I put seeds in every empty pot I find and then forget what it is I sowed. Loving everything that is green and a re-user of old stuff.

What do you believe with all of your heart?

That animals, and nature, can hear every thought you have and that they can be great teachers.

When did you know that this was your path?

In a brainstorm discussion at the kitchen table with my partner. He made me aware that I created special cat photos at the animal shelter where I worked at that moment. Then I knew I wanted to be around animals all the time and share their beauty with the world.

Where is your favorite place on earth?

“Home is where my cats are”. When I was younger I dreamt about working abroad. Some of my favorite places on earth are green Ireland, blue island Lefkas in Greece, beautiful Italy, where life seems to fit me more. But I could never leave my animals behind.

Why do you love your life?

This is a difficult question. Sometimes I love my life and sometimes I don’t. Life is an ever changing experience. I’m always searching.

How do you do everything you do?

By remembering who I am, what I feel and by acting on intuition.