Our Story
Note to Angie: This is done and ready for YOU!
In 2005, Stacy (scrapbooking guru and magazine editor) was writing a book called The Big Picture, and no, it wasn't about scrapbooking really big photos. It was about all the cool, life-enhancing things that happen to you when you take pictures and tell stories and allow yourself to be the creative genius that you already are. Anyway, one day Stacy was thinking how cool it would be to have a website where other people, like her could learn and share and celebrate big picture stuff—the stuff she was writing about. She ran the idea past her boss, got approval and then bought a URL and printed it her book. This is when she realized she better find somebody who could actually build a website. The next time Stacy walked into her local scrapbook store, she noticed the sales clerk was looking at super-cute and colorful website. She got the designer's name and gave Kayce a call.
Kayce built Stacy a really fun, but not very interactive website—there really weren't interactive websites back then—and as soon as they published it, a bunch of people registered. These people didn't even know what they were signing up for, because Stacy and Kayce weren't exactly sure what they were doing. But, fast forward a little bit to when we all started talking and sharing ideas and Big Picture Scrapbooking became a legitimate business and the first online education community designed for and dedicated to creative women. Please note that all of this happened way before the term e-learning was invented.
So, as memory keeping has evolved (think mobile photography and social media) so has Big Picture. We are now Big Picture Classes and we fancy ourselves a hub of inspiration, motivation and education. We teach you how to take better pictures, how to make better looking pages and projects and how to write more compelling stories. Even better, we talk about WHY all of this creative expression is so vital to your wellness as a human being. We believe that life can be really enjoyable when you decide to live in the present and notice all of the goodness around you.
Things will for sure continue to change and evolve in our little corner of the web, but here's what won't change: Your desire to live a creative life and document it. Super glad you found us!