Rachel Del Grosso
See all instructorsABOUT RACHEL
Rachel Del Grosso was born in Ontario, Canada in June 1984 where she spent the next twenty-five years with her nose in various books, scribbling away in her many journals, making up dance routines to Spice Girls songs with her cousins, or out on the soccer field. In January 2011, she packed up her life and moved to Las Vegas, Nevada and married the man of her dreams that April. In March 2013 they welcomed their baby boy, DJ, who along with their spunky cat, Simcoe, made their family complete. Rachel is a SAHM who recently became the (freelance) creative director for Begift. This is her third year doing Project Life, and she can’t ever imagine stopping.
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Who are you?
I’m a head in the clouds, heart on my sleeve wife, mama, and writer.
What do you believe with all of your heart?
That everything happens for a reason. What’s for you won’t pass you by.
Where do you go to be inspired?
Instagram is my go to place when I’m looking for inspiration, closely followed by some of my favorite lifestyle blogs. I’m a very visual person, so words and photos always do it for me.
Where is your favorite place on earth?
Wherever my family is, which right now means that half of my heart is back in Canada and the other half is here with me in Nevada.
How do you do everything you do?
The honest answer would be that I don’t. I have a lot of unfinished projects and untouched ideas. When I do complete projects it is because I truly love doing them and so make the time.