Tami Morrison

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Tami Morrison is a mom of four with a messy house and neat ideas. She holds the coveted Funnest Scrapbooker Ever title from Simple Scrapbooks Magazine, as well as a child development degree. Teaching preschool for 15 years and working as a children’s party planner made her an expert in concocting fun, pulling a quick activity out of her hat, and stain removal. When she’s not driving kids around, being a creative dynamo, or volunteering at the elementary school, she enjoys reading, hiking, snapping photos with her iPhone, and relaxing at the beach.




“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around every once in a while you might miss it.”


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Who are you?

I am a Family Manager, creativity junkie, memory keeper, crafter, writer, instructor, trend-spotter, and lover of English toffee, books, and color.

What do you believe with all of your heart?

Life is a choose-your-own-adventure!

When did you know that this was your path?

Not until I was on it!

Where is your favorite place on earth?

The beach…specifically Hanalei Bay on Kauai, but any beach will do.

Why do you love your life?

I’m not gonna lie. Sometimes my life is overwhelming, or challenging, or just really loud and messy. But it’s also remarkable, and rewarding, and full of blessings. I love that I have a sense of humor to deal with the crap and a sense of gratitude for the rest, and that I get to be here in this particular moment in time, doing what I enjoy.

How do you do everything you do?

Lots and lots of coffee, and a willingness to let the non-essential things slide.