
Capture Summer

by Elisha Snow | 11 years ago

Summer here in Utah is in full swing. The heat has hit and so has the summer activities. At my house that means tennis, soccer camp, cousin sleep overs, late night movies, family BBQ's, water play, grilling, eating outside, popsicles, root beer floats (rbf), swimming, and more. Wow- exhausting! Make sure you take pictures of your favorite activities. Below are TWO photography tips to keep in mind for summer shooting.

Take advantage of the GOLDEN HOUR this is an ideal time to shoot because the light is perfect.

Take advantage of the GOLDEN HOUR this is an ideal time to shoot because the light is perfect.

Take advantage of the GOLDEN HOUR this is an ideal time to shoot because the light is perfect. Find your golden hour here.

VARY THE ANGLE get above, below, behind, on the level of your subject

VARY THE ANGLE get above, below, behind, on the level of your subject

VARY THE ANGLE get above, below, behind, on the level of your subject and prepare to be amazed by the results.

photo credits Elisha Snow



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