
It's Inspiration Live Week!

by Stacy Julian | 10 years ago

Hey awesome BPC blog readers! Stacy here. I get to tell you a little bit more about our upcoming live + online event with Amy Tan and Kelly Purkey, slated for Saturday, November 1st, called Inspiration LIVE


As you may or may not know, Amy and Kelly recently finished teaching our summer 4Experts workshop called Here & There Inspiration, where they thoroughly explored the idea that “inspiration is everywhere,” as they uncovered creative sparks hidden in sources like books & magazines, fashion, food, nature, people and technology.

When we brainstormed this class with Amy and Kelly more than a year ago, we talked about how fun it would be (after class was over) to literally follow them around and observe as they gathered, talked about, and then translated what they see into what they create. And, that is exactly what we have done and what we are pulling together for you. 

Just a few weeks ago, I flew to Salt Lake City, Utah to meet up with these hip and happy girls and help produce our event footage. We spent a full day wandering and watching, looking for ideas and talking about possibilities and then we met up with twenty awesome BPC friends for a hands-on class (hosted at Persnickety Prints) where we created a mini-book and three scrapbook layouts using exclusive kits designed by Amy and Kelly and produced by Studio Calico.

It was a long, but fun and productive day. The goal of this upcoming event and online crop is to bring this FUN inspiration fest to you—sans the sore feet—in a classroom with video and live chats and lots of BPC togetherness. 

But, wait. It gets better. We also filmed cool bonus footage to share. We took Amy to the American Crafts headquarters, where we met up with her team and talked about the brand new Amy Tangerine line, “Stitched“ AND we filmed Kelly and Rachel Brenchley, owner of Basic Grey, as they shared fascinating behind-the-scenes stories from Kelly’s line, Second City.

If you want to make cool stuff, learn more about the process of inspiration and creativity, and see how these two designer/scrapbookers do what they do, I hope you’ll join us on Saturday, November 1st and on the blog throughout the coming week as we share more about this upcoming event.

Mark your calendars and I’ll SEE you there


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